DC mayor signs and FINALIZES gay marriage bill!

20 12 2009

More great news from DC! The mayor has signed the bill and made gay marriage in Washington gay OFFICIAL!!! Yaayy! This is an AWESOME step in the right direction for LGBT members everywhere….afterall DC is our state capitol 🙂 Thank you DC !


NYC votes no on gay marriage

3 12 2009

Its a sad day in NYC ladies and gentleman. NYC has voted no on the bill passing same sex marriage. Not only is the LGBT community upset about this decision, they are taking action. They staged a protest yesterday at 6pm in Time Square to show there dissaproval of the bill not being passed. The bill failing is just a minor set back! We will not be forced to live as second class citizens and denied a future with the ones we love. We just have to try a little harder! Keep your heads up and hearts open!

Click HERE for details

Gay teen in Puerto Rico brutally murdered

17 11 2009

It’s a sad say in Puerto Rico and the LGBT community. Nineteen year old LGBT boy Jorge Lopez was found beaten, burned, and decapitated a few miles away from his home. This is reportedly the first time any gay hate crimes have been openly acknowledged in Puerto Rico. What makes the situation even sadder is the fact that police investigator on the case was making comments like “people who lead this type of lifestyle need to be aware that this will happen.” Ummm…we think not sir. His murderer was found and claimed the reason for the murder was not on purpose and that he was trying to pick up a woman and was upset when he discovered Jorge wasnt a woman. He claims he was in prison years before that and had a flashback from when he was in jail and was raped by another inmate……Well sir, it looks like your going right back to where you cam from. JAIL AND, even if the man was startled by what he found, what the hell was he doing trying to pick up a woman in the red light district?? I really hope justice is served in this case…..This is very sad and Jorge’s parents and family are in our prayers. People have really got to do better. To read the full article click here

Obaba signs hate crime protection act!

29 10 2009


OUTSTANDING news in LGBT land people!!!! Drum roll please……..President Barack Obama has signed the hate crime protection act ! The bill was passed in to law this afternoon and will work punish people who are responsible for hate crimes and/or crimes based on sexual orientation/race/gender/or religious background.

The parents of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. started pushing for this policy over a decade ago and are ecstatic legislative branches have finally realized how important of an issue this is.

 “We appreciate everyone who worked so hard on this bill.  My son was taken at such an early age and we hope this law will help prevent other families from going through what we experienced,” said Stella Byrd, mother of James Byrd.  “Even though we’re different colors and different sexual orientations or gender identities, God made us all and he loves us all.”

The LGBT community is excited and proud to see the government taking action in making streets safer for people to openly live there life. We are only a few steps away from receiving the equality we deserve! Thank you Barack Obama! This is the first pro-gay bill passed and set in stone since Stonewall!

Click HERE for full article

Congress passes hate crime laws to include gays

24 10 2009


Physical attacks on people based on sexual orientation will now officially be considered a hate crime and will be punishable by the U.S. government and law officials. In the past 11 years, over 80,000 hate crimes based on sexual orientation have taken place and only a few of them have been acknowledged. This will all change soon! 2010 will be a GREAT year for the gays! Remember it only takes one voice to make a change! Lets go!

Click HERE for fill article